How to Get PR for Your Small Business (without hiring a PR firm)

Time was, you had to retain a public relations (PR) firm for $15,000 a month if you wanted to get PR for your small business. This is no longer the case, for many reasons. Today, you can do most or all of your own PR. This video explains how to do it. You may need […]

How To Do Public Relations

This video discusses how to do #publicrelations. It covers the all-important topic of aligning PR to business goals. It also asks relevant questions like, “Do you actually need public relations?” and if so, how much? It deals with your responsibilities for PR vs. those of the agency, and more. Photo credits Photo by Pixabay: […]

Public Relations Examples

People ask, can you show some examples of #publicrelations. Yes, this video offers some #publicrelationsexamples. I share examples of public relations that include press releases, product public relations, celebrity public relations, and crisis public relations. It’s not an exhaustive list, of course. There are thousands of examples, but my goal is to give you a […]

Marketing & PR

This video looks at the relationship between #marketing and #publicrelations (marketing PR). The two disciplines are related and often overlap. In general, PR supports marketing by helping customers become aware of products and services—and then moving them from awareness to consideration and finally preference and purchase. In this way, public relations helps drives the buyer’s […]

What Is Press Release Submission?

What Is Press Release Submission? #PressReleaseSubmission I get asked this question quite a lot, so I thought I would create a short video to explain what press release submission is, and how it contrasts with #pressreleasedistribution or syndication. There is significant confusion around this question. Press release submission is also known as media outreach, which […]

What Is Public Relations?

What is public relations? It’s a simple question, with a slightly complicated answer. This video tries to answer it. We look at the purpose of PR, as well as the forces that make PR work difficult. Photo credits: Photo by cottonbro studio: Photo by Terje Sollie: Photo by Lisa Fotios: Photo by […]

How Press Releases Can Help with Social Proof?

What Is Social Proof? I get asked this a lot by prospective clients. Or, they tell me, “I need social proof. Can you help me get it with a press release?” The answer to the latter question is a firm “maybe.” Social proof is about how we tend to behave in ways we see others […]

Press Releases for Crowdfunding Campaigns

Should you write a press release for a crowdfunding campaign? Should you do public relations and write a press release for a Kickstarter campaign? I get asked these questions a lot. This video offers some guidance on this tricky subject. The short answer is no, press releases don’t help much with crowdfunding, mostly because reporters […]

Press Release Examples: Product/Business Launch Press Releases

How to write a #pressrelease for a business launch or product launch. This video offers press release examples (#pressreleaseexamples, showing how three companies launched themselves or products using press releases. It covers how to write a press release headline, how to write a press release lede paragraph, and executive quote. It talks about calls to […]